Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sean has correctly thrown down the gauntlet and challenged some of us to be better with our blogging. I am responding to the challenge!

It often seems our lives are so common there isn’t much to share. That said, when I ponder it, I realize perhaps things aren’t so routine at all. In considering blog topics I thought you might be interested in my abduction by aliens over the weekend, but no, here in LA that is just too common. It happens up Big Tujunga Canyon all the time. Since I ride my bike there regularly it is bound to happen to me occasionally as well. One needs to take it in stride!

I have been in San Francisco that last two days (there seem to be a lot of aliens roaming the streets there, for sure, for sure!). The weather was nice and I got done what needed to be done so that was a success.

This morning I hopped on my bike at 5:00 a.m. for my usual ride and went sailing down the street. - Note that is very dark at 5:00 a.m... - As I flew around the corner off La Crescenta to Pine Cone my light disappeared! I looked down and there it was pointing straight at the ground and hanging by is battery cable. I stopped looked at the light, hooked it back on its mount and set off once more. Lo and behold! As I whistled past Two Strike Park the light fell off once again and my world went dark. This time I astutely assessed that there was a problem. I beat a hasty retreat to the garage and managed a quick repair, salvaging my ride for the most part. Not that there is any point to this story other than stuff happens.

Mom and I are headed to Mammoth this weekend. The mountain actually received a foot of snow the other day so we will squeeze one last trip out of the season. We’ll share some pictures next week (don’t you just love pictures of Mom, Dad and the dog at play?)

Be good and blog on!!


Abominable's Main Squeeze said...

Your abduction by aliens in Big Tujunga Canyon over the weekend?!! Now, how are Logan and I to take that? Granted, we did swoop down on you in our big Chevy 6 cylinder saucer. But I thought it was a rescue, not an abduction!

LilJ said...

Good to see a post, you're lucky that light didn't put you into a pothole. And, mom, the Chevy has an 8 cylinder motor...hence the V8:) Have fun in Mammoth, I'm definatley jealous.

Kelsey said...

You know, we got some snow here today. Of course I already sent all my winter gear up to Grandma's house. Funny how that works. It sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you : )

Amy said...

You know, I think it seems like we have nothing interesting to write. But being several thousand miles away I don't really get to hear stories like the light falling off. When you know someone well, the mundane is actually very interesting. It's good to see people posting!